Monday 18 March 2013

Cook Recipes: How to make Raw Mango Juice in Your Home

                                                                          Raw Mango Juice

Do you know how to make raw mango juice in your home? Raw mango juice is one of the tasty juice and very easy to make in home. It‘s recipe also very simple one.

  1. Mango fruit – 2 no’s
  2. Sugar – 1.5 cup
  3. Water – 3 cups

Procedure for making Raw Mango juice

1. Preparation of mango: First take the mango fruit and wash it well. Then remove the outer skin of mango fruit. Then cut into small pieces. Take a bowl and add 3 cups of water into it and starts to heating. Add mango pieces into boiling water and cook it well.

 Then add sugar into it and mix it well up to 2-3 minutes. Then switch off the stove and remove heat from it. Take an electric mixer add above mixture into it. Then transfer the juice into a bowl and cool it using a refrigerator. After cooling, you can serve the raw mango juice to friends.



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